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Looking for nutritional recommendations? If you are and want to follow a healthy diet, you will not find a better diet than a simple, low-carb diet that makes your plants healthier. At first you may feel that it is difficult to change your diet is difficult but give you a guide on how to change this system easily.

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"What is a "vegetarian diet?

The answer to this simple question is that you eat plants and get rid of animal products such as dairy products and eggs completely in your diet. There are a variety of plant products that are ignored by most individuals. Thus, vegetarian diet means increasing the intake of a wide range of foods such as tofu, turnip, cauliflower, quinoa, flax seed, shea seeds, raw almonds, raw almond butter, olive oil, Berries, figs, avocados, tomatoes, lentils, black beans, soy milk, food yeast, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, apples, peaches, mangoes, pineapples, garlic, green tea, brown rice,

Some may follow a vegetarian diet and combine it with other animal products, but these products should be phased out.

Why should I change my vegetarian system?

There are a few important reasons to follow a vegetarian diet:

Health: Many people change diet to vegetarian because they are trying to lose weight, improve heart health, stay healthy in old age, improve blood pressure, control diabetes, and also help you away from processed foods and fast food.

Environment One of the main benefits of the plant system is that reducing the intake of animal products reduces carbon emissions. Because reports have shown that livestock have a significant impact on the increase of carbon dioxide.

How do you change to a vegetarian diet?

There is a gradual plan for change to the "vegetarian diet" and the change in stages:

Reduce meat gradually:

One of the most important stages you need to change your diet is to reduce meat gradually. Let go of meat one day a week. As days pass, meat will be abandoned in other days until the red meat is completely eliminated and then the poultry and seafood are gradually abandoned. For six months try new meals.

Eating eggs:

After reducing meat and poultry, egg and dairy products are used. About the experience of this stage of the easiest stages.

Reduce dairy products:

This may be more difficult for some people but not because of the love of milk but because of the cheese you may hear many people saying, "They can not give up cheese in their diet" but you can replace it with a variety of other vegetarian foods.


If you have any problems when the diet changes, doctors recommend eating legumes when you need to continue a vegetarian diet and the best vegetarian foods rich in protein such as tofu, beans, nuts, and over time this change is normal.

What do you need to eat in the plant system?

The vegetarian diet needs to focus on a range of foods, including:

Some types of foods regularly:

You need to focus on a specific group of foods to eat regularly, legumes and proteins. This means eating different types of cereals such as lentils, black beans, white beans, beans, chickpeas, etc. Also tofu, soy milk, nuts, almonds, raw walnuts, flax seed, shea seeds, almond milk. Avoid saturated fats with healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, olive oil and canola oil.

Vegetables :

One of the most important nutrients in a vegetarian diet is the inclusion of leafy vegetables rich in calcium, iron and vitamins. Examples of these vegetables are turnip, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, you can eat large amounts of it daily as it has a few calories and a ton of useful nutrients.

Other Fruits & Vegetables:

There are a variety of other fruits and vegetables that you can include in a vegetarian diet such as berries, figs, apples, eels, peaches, mangoes, bananas, pears, peppers, garlic, beets, celery, etc.

Good Starches:

There is not a bad type for people who follow a vegetarian diet and provide the body with the necessary energy and essential nutrients such as sweet potatoes, red potatoes, zucchini, brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal.

Now it is not difficult for you to prepare recipes that collect some of these foods and add them to your diet and over time you will have a number of healthy nutritious meals.

Some examples of recipes that you can prepare in the plant system:

Tofu and vegetables: Tofu contains high protein content. You can mix a little tofu in a frying pan with olive oil. Mix tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, turmeric, salt, taste and a little flaxseed, oats and fry for 5 minutes before ingestion.

The mixture of raw nuts, berries and cinnamon: You can cook a little garlic in olive oil and cook carrot vegetables, pepper, mushrooms, and some protein like tofu and some turnip vegetables, cauliflower and some spices such as turmeric, sesame oil.

Vegetables on quinoa: You can mix black beans, beans, olive oil, garlic, onions, tomatoes, pepper, turnips, carrots cubes, and serve with quinoa.

One course meal: quinoa, lentils, vegetables, olive oil, a little full wheat pasta, tomato sauce, olive oil, garlic, onion, pepper and fresh basil.

Benefits of vegetarian diet:

Dr. Kim Williams, MD and president of the American College of Cardiology, who has been following a vegetarian diet since 2003 after discovering that he is suffering from high cholesterol and continuing to diet within a few months, has been eliminated.

The good news is that your vegetarian diet has a range of benefits to reap the benefits of diet:

Vegetarian diet" contains a small percentage of saturated fat":

Saturated fats are found in animal products such as beef, lamb, butter, cheese, high-fat dairy products and various oils such as coconut oil, cocoa butter, palm oil.

According to experts at the American Medical Association that eating saturated fats increases the proportion of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke and recommends a diet containing 13 grams of saturated fat daily.

Eat a small amount of fat:

The body needs a small amount of cholesterol to function, but there is a large amount of cholesterol in animal products, which may be a risk for heart disease.

Increase fiber in diet:

Joan Siegel, associate professor at Sargent College of Health at Boston University, says fiber is an essential ingredient in improving the health of the digestive tract and reducing the absorption of harmful cholesterol. It can be obtained from lentils, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts.

Reduce the risk of diabetes:

Dieting is linked to reducing the risk of diabetes, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Gastroenterology because it contains fewer calories.

Reduce high blood pressure:

A vegetarian diet helps you reduce high blood pressure because it limits the amount of sodium in the diet because it aims to reduce meat consumption and increase protein-rich foods.

Increased omega-3 fatty acids:

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center that when eating fatty acids reduces heart disease and diabetes, high blood pressure, and there are acids in many foods of plant origin, including seeds of pumpkin, canola oil, soybeans, walnuts, flaxseeds.

Vegetarian diet is rich in nutrients:

There are a large range of nutrients that are found in the vegetarian diet. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, potassium and thus reduce heart disease.

When potassium is increased, a great difference is made in lowering blood pressure.

Avoid unhealthy ingredients:

It is possible to eat unhealthy foods, especially processed meat, and when replacing other animal products with a vegetarian origin, add more nutrients to the body.

Cancer resistance:

The vegetarian diet helps you reduce your fat rate and one of the ways to avoid cancer is because animal products have been linked to colon cancer and breast cancer

"Weight loss" :

If you follow a vegetarian diet especially low sugars and fat helps you lose weight and you can lose weight naturally because it increases the consumption of fiber, vitamins, minerals.

But what are the disadvantages of vegetarian diet with its permanent followers:

Do not think that animal products should be eliminated completely. Here are a number of reasons why you should give up vegetarianism after a while.

Lead to a lack of nutrients:

Plant people suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, an important component of brain function, body cells and many other vital functions of human health.

Lack of essential amino acids are essential elements for building muscle mass and bone health.

Creatine: Studies have shown that creatine helps store energy in cells and that vegetarians suffer from lack of this element does not protect the body from aging.

Ducoshexanoxic acid deficiency is the most active form of omega-3 fatty acids which are found mainly in fatty acids.
No studies confirm healthy vegetarian diet:

Studies have shown a difference in the health of plant diets.

Lack of animal protein:

Animal food is rich in protein and when included in the diet, the body supplies animal protein and a vegetarian diet that lacks animal protein.

"Vegetarian Diet Plan "Vegetarian Dieting:

:"weight loss program"-

This system for 9 days and helps you to decrease about 5 pounds:

First day :

Breakfast: mashed avocado, on roasted English cakes with a little lemon and chili chips.
Food Meals: English cakes, brown rice with beans and vegetables.
Dinner: Quinoa cooked with walnuts and parsley.
the second day :

Breakfast: a mixture of spinach, turnip vegetables, parsley, celery.
Food Meal: Lentil soup with spinach and carrot salad.
Dinner: Mushroom with peas, asparagus and thyme and make cakes of cornmeal.
the third day :

Breakfast: Mix quinoa beans with almond milk and bananas.
Food meal: beans, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives.
Dinner: Fried vegetables (turnips, cabbage, salads) with onions, red cabbage slices and apple cider vinegar.
the fourth day :

Breakfast: Toast with raw walnuts, butter and banana slices.
Food Meal: Hot lentil salad with balsamic vinegar, add beets, leeks, basil.
Dinner: sweet potato, cucumber, avocado, pea salad.
The fifth day :

Breakfast: oats, berries, walnuts.
Food meal: squash, spinach, sautéed with balsamic vinegar.
Dinner: cauliflower, leek, mint, tomato, lemon.
the sixth day :

Breakfast: coconut with pistachios.
Food Meal: Hummus salad with carrots, coriander and black olives.
Dinner: Whole wheat pasta with quinoa, tomatoes, thyme, garlic, green olives and lemon.

the seventh day :

Breakfast: Broccoli mashed with coconut oil and salt.
Food Meal: Various vegetable salad.
Dinner: artichoke, salad of fennel and frying garlic with onions, rice, broth etc.

Day 8:

Breakfast: Shea seeds with seasonal fruit and blended with low-fat coconut milk.
Food Meal: White beans with pumpkin seed salad.
Dinner: noodles with mint, pistachios and carrots.

Day Nine:

Breakfast: Granola with almonds and grapes.
Food Meal: Sweet Potato Bread.
Dinner: Salad of watercress, lemon sauce and vinegar.

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